Tech:Upgrading MediaWiki

Pulling the new MediaWiki version

  • Update hieradata/common.yaml on Puppet to pull the new version (example). Add separately to test151’s hieradata (example). It will be pulled on the next Puppet run.
  • Make the new release the default version on Mirabeta at test151’s hieradata (example).
  • Update MirahezeFunctionsMEDIAWIKI_VERSIONS constant and mark the new version as the “beta” version (example).
  • Change all wikis on Mirabeta to the new release using the changeMediaWikiVersion.php maintenance script from MirahezeMagic if this didn’t happen automatically.
  • Locate any possible new SQL patches and maintenance scripts that may need to be applied/run on the new version using MirahezeMagic’s findSQLPatches.php and findPossibleUpgradeScripts.php. Apply/run them on wikis at Mirabeta/on the global database as needed.

Preparing for the MediaWiki upgrade in production

Two tasks should be created on Phorge, one to upgrade MediaWiki (example: phorge:T12041) and another to test extensions (example: phorge:T12042).

Now there’s nothing to do but test stuff until the new version is officially released by upstream.

Upgrading production

{{ {{Note|An upgrade should not be done on your own, and should be planned in advance with the team}} }}

Once the new version has been officially released, it’s time for prod to be upgraded.

  • Run mwdeploy --upgrade-world --versions=<new version> --servers=all on mwtask.
  • Use findSQLPatches.php and findPossibleUpgradeScripts.php to locate any possible needed SQL patches and maintenance scripts. Note them on the upgrade task.
  • The MediaWiki team should now decide on an upgrade date, where at least 2 people (and someone with root access, just in case) will be available during the upgrade and a bit of time after it. This date should be announced on Discord, social media, on-wiki, etc…
  • Upgrade all wikis to the new version using changeMediaWikiVersion.php.
  • Set the new version as the default release in hieradata/common.yaml.
  • Make the new version the “stable” version on MirahezeFunctionsMEDIAWIKI_VERSIONS constant.
  • Run maintenance scripts and apply SQL patches as needed.

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