Update hieradata/common.yaml on Puppet to pull the new version (example). Add separately to test151’s hieradata (example). It will be pulled on the next Puppet run.
Make the new release the default version on Mirabeta at test151’s hieradata (example).
Update MirahezeFunctions’ MEDIAWIKI_VERSIONS constant and mark the new version as the “beta” version (example).
Change all wikis on Mirabeta to the new release using the changeMediaWikiVersion.php maintenance script from MirahezeMagic if this didn’t happen automatically.
Locate any possible new SQL patches and maintenance scripts that may need to be applied/run on the new version using MirahezeMagic’s findSQLPatches.php and findPossibleUpgradeScripts.php. Apply/run them on wikis at Mirabeta/on the global database as needed.
Preparing for the MediaWiki upgrade in production#
Two tasks should be created on Phorge, one to upgrade MediaWiki (example: phorge:T12041) and another to test extensions (example: phorge:T12042).
Now there’s nothing to do but test stuff until the new version is officially released by upstream.
The MediaWiki team should now decide on an upgrade date, where at least 2 people (and someone with root access, just in case) will be available during the upgrade and a bit of time after it. This date should be announced on Discord, social media, on-wiki, etc…