Tech:Unattached local account
On this page
Local accounts not attached to any global accounts are pretty obvious. Users will be unable to sign in to wikis where their local account is not attached to their global account, and will get messages like “The supplied credentials cannot be changed, as nothing would use them”. Additionally, this local account will not appear on the user’s CentralAuth page, and if you go to said local account’s Special:Contributions page, you will not see the global account link.
Confirming for sure
Connect to the mhglobal database, and run SELECT * FROM localnames WHERE ln_name="Example";
, replacing Example for the username of the user. You will get a list of wikis where that user has a global account, like this one:
MariaDB [mhglobal]> SELECT * FROM localnames WHERE ln_name="Alex (Miraheze)";
| ln_wiki | ln_name |
| characterclashwiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| hebwiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| indomitawiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| kylariswiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| lemmingmediawikiwiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| loginwiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| maksiorudziawiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| metawiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| onsecwiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| rainversewiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| staffwiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| sublimelibrarywiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
| themagnusarchiveswiki | Alex (Miraheze) |
Now enter the database for the wiki where there’s a suspected unattached local account. Run a query like SELECT user_name, user_id FROM user WHERE user_name="Example";
. If you get a result and the wiki is not listed on the previous query we made on the mhglobal database’s localnames table, then there’s a confirmed unattached local account.
Fixing it
- Insert the wiki-username pair on the localnames table in mhglobal, with a query like
INSERT INTO localnames(ln_wiki, ln_name) VALUES ("metawiki", "Example");
, with the correct database name and username. At this point, if you go to that user’s Special:CentralAuth page, you will see CentralAuth recognizes there’s an unattached local account. - Run the
maintenance script from CentralAuth on an mwtask server. You’ll have to create a text file with just the username of that user in a single line. Run it likemwscript extensions/CentralAuth/attachAccount.php earferanawiki --userlist=/home/alex/InternetArchiveBot.txt
. You should see the following output:
CentralAuth account attach for: InternetArchiveBot
ATTACHING: InternetArchiveBot@scruffwiki
[2024-10-13 13:34:14] processed: 1 (2.4/sec); ok: 0 (0.0%); attached: 1 (100.0%); partial: 0 (0.0%); failed: 0 (0.0%); missing: 0 (0.0%);
Once that’s done, the user will be able to login as normal, and you should see this account listed on Special:CentralAuth.