Tech:Technical Director/Election/2022/Questions

Statements by Candidates

Agent Isai

As you all may know, the Board has never been a big group. With Southparkfan and RobLa’s departures, the Board has shrunk to only 2 people. While they manage their duties well, the departure of Southparkfan means that SRE and the wider Miraheze technical community has lost it’s official representative on the Board. While indeed there is a member on the Board who also happens to be on the SRE’s Infrastructure team, it is not his job to represent technical volunteers as he is an appointed director. With this in mind, I am running for Board in order to ensure that technical volunteers once again have an official say in Board matters.

Technical volunteers compose a sizable amount of our volunteer base so it is crucial that their voice be heard by the Board and that the Board takes them into account when making decisions that affect them. As such, if elected as Technical Director, I would ensure that the wishes and needs of the technical community are taken into account and that their voice is heard in the Board along with ensuring that the Board develops processes that aid in that and take our technical volunteers more into account. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to any questions, comments or concerns. Agent Isai Talk to me! 04:01, 12 July 2022 (UTC)

Universal Omega

Since Southparkfan’s departure in December of last year, there has been no formal technical representative on the board. After having given it some thought, I decided to nominate myself for this position. If elected, I would ensure that the technical desiderata is brought before the board when necessary, and that technical volunteers have a voice within the board.

I know that I kept this statement short, but I look forward to any questions or concerns that may be presented. Universal Omega (talk) 22:26, 9 July 2022 (UTC)

Questions for All Candidates

  • What would you seek to achieve during a year tenure on the Board for the technical side of Miraheze?
    • Agent Isai: I would try to ensure that both the technical team as well as the wider technical volunteer community know that they have a say in Board matters. With the Board being small, sometimes there isn’t any time to engage in outreach towards our technical team and with there being no representative for SRE/technical volunteers on the Board, it’s possible that technical volunteers are sometimes not fully taken into account. I would also try to go more in depth as to what issues our technical volunteers face. Often times, many issues may not be immediately visible but they are there. I know the lack of volunteers in the technical side is an overall issue for existing technical volunteers as that adds an additional burden onto them to do more tasks without further aid. I would seek to see what we can potentially do to ensure that our volunteers well-being is being looked after as much as we can and that our volunteers know that they have a voice in the Board.
    • Universal Omega: I would try to work toward improving collaboration between the board and the technical community, and to bring before the board what is asked of me by technical volunteers or what is necessary to improve the overall technical engagement, volunteer welfare, or what is necessary for the Miraheze infrastructure.
  • How would you engage the wider technical community in your role?
    • Agent Isai: As Technical Director, I would work to ensure wider technical community engagement by developing processes that attempt to promote technical community engagement such as potential newsletters, making sure our technical team is aware of developments in the Board that could impact them/that may be of interest and more. I feel that at times, there is a disconnect between the Board and technical volunteers as they don’t really know what’s going on up in the Board. I would ensure that community wishes and desires are relayed to the Board where appropriate and that our technical volunteers feel that they have an active voice in anything that pertains to them.
    • Universal Omega: I would attempt to improve the technical engagement, and ensure that the wider technical community has a voice on the board. I would work towards trying to garner input from the wider technical community on points they wish to be brought before the board, and if relevant, ensure it is heard by the board, and their input is taken into consideration. One idea I have is to create some sort of mailing list, that technical volunteers could sign up for, and could reply to. We could use it to get competent users to be more active in the technical areas of Miraheze, or provide ways they could help, and also use it as a “newsletter”, which we could use as a more technical in nature changes made on Miraheze, making changes prominent, and encourge participation. Our volunteer sortage is a real issue, that I would hope to improve the technical participation, including non-SRE technical volunteers. Another thing a mailing list could be useful for is to garner relevant issues or points that the larger technical community wishes to be brought before the board.

Questions for specific candidates

Agent Isai

Universal Omega

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