19:53 PuppyKun: MariaDB [metawiki]> delete from cw_wikis where wiki_dbname=“navaversewiki”; (Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec))
17:37 Reception|away: DROP DATABASE wikiletraswiki;
17:35 Reception|away: > DELETE FROM cw_wikis WHERE wiki_dbname = ‘wikiletraswiki’;
16:48 Reception|away: upgraded phabricator
16:30 revi: added “Wiki URL: (replace here with link to your wiki)” in phab maniphest form 7
16:20 Reception|away: moved to db3 and dropped on db2 aleenghawiki ciudadciclistawiki jacksonheightswiki pathfinderwiki pluspiwiki r2wiki sdiywiki sentrieswiki worldpediawiki
16:17 Reception|away: re-enabled puppet on db3
15:53 Reception|away: disabled puppet on db3
10:03 Reception|away: purge binary logs before ‘2017-12-29 00:00:00’;
15:16 Reception123: moved ayrshirewiki bgowiki meregoswiki mikrodevwiki lionhearttaleswiki plasticssongcontestwiki sirikotwiki spiralwiki wikiversitywiki to db3 and dropped on db2
15:07 Reception123: re-enabled puppet on db3
14:55 Reception123: disabled puppet on db3
14:41 Reception123: deleted unmadewiki from CW_WIKIS and DROPPED (T2397)
14:39 Reception123: renamed hellointernetwiki to podpediawiki, moved files (T2397)
14:16 Reception123: renamed aristidewiki to pfl2wiki and moved images (T2408)
21:18 Southparkfan: runnin varnishlog daemon on cp* for debugging purposes: varnishlog -g raw -i Backend_health -a -w /var/log/varnish/varnish-backend.log -D
19:00 Southparkfan: deleted all redis keys matching “allthetropeswiki:revisiontext”
09:49 Reception123: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/reports on puppet1 (disk space running out)
13:38 Reception123: moved appswiki christipediawiki ciptamediawiki diggywikipolskawiki platprojectwiki yoavfreundwiki yourosongcontestwiki to db3 and dropped on db2
13:32 Reception123: re-enabled puppet on db3
13:16 Reception123: disabled puppet on db3 (database migration)
11:49 Reception123: re-enabled puppet on db3
11:36 Reception123: disabled puppet on db3 (db migration)
05:19 Reception123: DELETE FROM cw_wikis WHERE wiki_dbname = ‘modularwiki’; (temporary delete, as database was (wrongly) dropped and is causing login issues)
05:26 Reception123: updated ExtensionMessagesFiles.php and rebuild LC on mw1 and test1 (for some reason mw2 is the only one to have a PHP fatal with another unrelated extension)
19:41 Reception123: reception@mw1:/srv/mediawiki/w/maintenance$ sudo -u www-data php rebuildall.php –wiki metawiki ( {{ {{NOW}} }} not updating for a few days)
05:50 PuppyKun: MariaDB [trexwiki]> delete from user_groups where ug_user=30; query ok, 1 row affected. Remove Ceo from IT Office a non-existent user and a globally locked account