18:24 SPF|Cloud: running following script now (takes a very long time!): southparkfan@mw1:/srv/mediawiki/w/maintenance$ sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/w/maintenance/deleteBatch.php –wiki allthetropeswiki -r ‘Prepare for another image import (–Southparkfan)’ /home/southparkfan/att-missing.txt
15:53 SPF|Cloud: issued “ban req.url ~ /” command to Varnish on cp2
19:08 SPF|Cloud: manually downgraded GDNSD to 2.1.2-1~deb8u1 on ns1 (the upgrade to the stretch version was unpuppetized, and we don’t want to deploy that puppet change until tomorrow)
10:46 SPF|Cloud: mw1 got rebooted for an unknown reason, Apache started (took precedence over nginx), downtime on farm. Killed Apache and restarted nginx