Tech:Projects/Wiki Statistics Special Page

This is a project proposal for adding a statistics page on all Miraheze wikis which allow users to view restricted analytical information for the wiki.


Currently, Miraheze provides no analytical information to users about how many times a wiki is viewed, how many unique visitors there are to the wiki or what pages are considered popular based on viewing statistics. However, Miraheze does track (to a degree, inline with the Privacy Policy and respecting DNT headers) which pages are read by users, how long for, which wiki, how they got there, and browsing/OS information. This is all collected by using Piwik (link) which is restricted to system administrators only.

It has been a common theme among the community that there needs to be some form of analytical information available on wikis and there is a shared opinion among system administrators that the information should be derived from Piwik.


Special Page

The visual aspect of the project should be delivered in the form of a special page that will be available on every wiki. The special page can be tabular and just a list of views per month for a set period of months, unique visitors per month and a list of the top 3 views pages on the wiki.

The access to the special page could be granular as well, with the assignment of a “view-analytics” user right that can be assigned to * by default, but wikis could revoke and assign the user right and therefore access to the page on their personal needs.

Integration with Piwik

Piwik provides an API that can be used to gather and collect the information by default. While the API requires a view-enabled account, API requests for wikis could be passed through an operations managed account with the access information passed to the extension through configuration variables.

There is currently a generalised site ID set up in Piwik where all wikis except allthetropeswiki have a shared site ID (1) and allthetropeswiki has site ID 2. If this becomes an issue with collating information from the API, it could be possible to have each wiki assigned a permanent and unique ID which can then be used to collect information from Piwik. The RemoteWiki class in MirahezeMagic could be adapted to provide this functionality.


There may be changes that need to be made in Piwik to allow granulated collection of data for this project—pre-existing modules could be adapted and then locally installed by Miraheze to achieve this, and avoid upstream blocking of progress.

As Piwik is currently a restricted service, access, and testing requires someone from Miraheze Operations to be able to make progress on the project.

Outcome Steps

  • A special page available on Miraheze wikis that shows the total number of views on a wiki either in recorded history or on a per monthly break down.
  • A special page available on Miraheze wikis that shows the total number of unique visitors to the wiki on a per monthly break down.
  • A special page that lists the most popular/viewed pages on the wiki by unique visitors - this would be an additional step and not a requirement to complete the project originally.

Getting Started

Anyone interested in starting this project should:

  • Get familiar with how Piwik works and how its API can be used to collect views per page / views across a whole site.
  • Get in touch with an operations member to discuss next steps for integrating with the current Piwik install.

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