
{{ {{SRE navigation|projects|header=SRE Projects|description=<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Miraheze's system administrators are always planning out things. Learn more about our current projects on Miraheze Meta.</span>|keywords=sre projects, miraheze sre projects}} }} Miraheze se neustále snaží poskytovat spolehlivé, komunitně zaměřené služby; s tím se také pojí kontrolování komunity a její zapojení do projektů, které mají podle plánu vyžadovat značné zdroje z hlediska vývoje, revizí, nasazení nebo dlouhodobé údržby.

Below is a list of large projects that SRE has in mind, the idea of this page is to:

  • Have a centralised place for active community discussion over merits, design specs, etc.
  • Store all information about a project in a central place, not in Phorge.
  • Be planned and thoroughly thought through before being formally proposed as a project eligible for a goal.

Šablona návrhu je k dispozici zde a měla by být použita na podstránku.

Kdokoliv může:

  • navrhnout nový projekt (více zde)
  • okomentovat návrhy (použijte diskuzní stránku návrhu)
  • pracovat na návrhu (více v Přispívání a výchozích bodech v návrhu)

Current proposals

  • Automation of SSL requests — Implement a system where on request, users are able to generate a Lets Encrypt certificate which is then deployed to GitHub and to MediaWiki via $wgServer (after being approved by an SRE member) (~175 hours).
  • CreateWiki AI improvement — Improve the current AI system for CreateWiki to allow for different factors to be taken into account when assessing how ‘good’ a request is (~175 hours).
  • Proper CI for Miraheze extensions — Implement proper continuous integration for extensions maintained by Miraheze (~175 hours).

Ve vývoji

  • Zatím nic.


  • List of Miraheze wikis — A page where all wikis are listed off and can be ranked/categorised and viewed by all users.
  • Statistics page for all wikis — A page where analytical information for all wikis can be displayed using information collected and stored by Miraheze currently in Matomo.
  • Multiversion — Ability to deploy multiple MediaWiki versions to one server.


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