Tech:Organization/Infrastructure Specialists

This is a guide for all Infrastructure Specialists. They have access to all servers and GitHub repositories (see Tech:Volunteers), and they are responsible for maintaining all servers and internal infrastructure and making sure they function smoothly.


See also: Tech:Conduct Policy

  • Be respectful to other volunteers and users. You represent the Miraheze project.
  • Don’t suddenly change big parts of the infrastructure (MediaWiki, Varnish, Bacula, etc.) (e.g., way how things are done in the current style) without discussing it with the other members of the Technology team.
  • Be VERY careful when manipulating sensitive data (such as db* or nfs*) as it could lead to data loss.
  • Don’t use the servers for unrelated purposes.
  • Don’t put abnormally high load(s) on the server(s) if avoidable. (Grafana can be used for more details).
  • Respect privacy. Don’t publish access logs, IP addresses, content of private wikis, or other personally identifiable information. If in doubt, ask before publishing. Publishing any such content is likely to be a violation of your non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the WikiTide Foundation.
  • Don’t publish database passwords, private keys, etc as well. {{ {{note}} }} Violation of these rules can result in warnings or revocation of access.


  • When deploying a change (SSL certificate, database rename, etc.), you are required to closely watch the change going live.
  • After committing a change to any repo (and being sure it should work), run sudo puppet agent -tv on the server involved. It can take a while before the change is actually deployed.
  • Watch the error logs: #Monitoring errors.

Further specifics to be filled in by Technology team

Monitoring errors

Follow the instructions at Tech:Graylog for most errors.


  • Look at the error logs.
  • Either use the WikiTideDebug extension for Chrome or try to send the failing HTTP request to one of the MediaWiki servers with the header X-WikiTide-Debug: (mw1[5678][1234]|test151|mwtask1[5678]1) (replace with the desired server), it could be an error that is cached in Varnish or Cloudflare.
    • X-WikiTide-Debug also requires an access key sent via X-WikiTide-Debug-Access-Key, unless the request is made from a server from our own internal infrastructure (from one of our own IP ranges). If you don’t have this access key, please ask another member of the Technology team.

See also


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