Title here
Summary here
This page provides guidance if you need to move a wiki to another database server (typically relates to disk space issues/imbalances).
Moving a wiki to another database is not complicated provided you have the required rights (Infrastructure Specialists or database-admins).
mysqldump --single-transaction --routines --triggers nameofwiki | gzip -c | ssh -i /home/dbcopy/.ssh/id_ed25519 dbcopy@db151.wikitide.net 'cat > /home/dbcopy/nameofwiki.sql.gz'
{{ {{note}} }}
Replace “nameofwiki” with the name of the wiki you want to move.gunzip nameofwiki.sql.gz
mysql -e 'create database nameofwiki;'
mysql nameofwiki < nameofwiki.sql
in mhglobal.cw_wikis