504 (Gateway Timeout) errors

504 (Gateway Timeout) errors indicate that our servers took too long to respond to a request. Most of the time, this error is transitory and a simple refresh will solve the issue.


Receiving a 504 error typically indicates one of two things:

  1. The request you’re making is very big and the server cannot handle it.
  2. The server is offline and cannot handle the request.

If you are able to visit other pages on your wiki but cannot do a specific action, #1 likely applies. If you’re completely unable to visit any page though, it may indicate #2.

What can I do?

Try visiting other pages on your wiki. If you’re able to load them just fine, this may indicate that whatever action you’re trying to do is too much for the server to handle within a reasonable amount of time (the server typically gives up whatever you’re trying to do if it can’t be done within a minute).

If your wiki is entirely unavailable, please give it a few minutes and try again. If the issue persists for more than a few minutes though, please contact us.